Reduce the pain with home remedies for sciatica

Sciatica is the pain caused by irritation and compression of the sciatic nerve. The sciatica sufferers may feel pain radiating from the lower back down to the buttock and sometimes the back of the legs. The patient with sciatica can have the mild pain or severe pain, depending on their conditions. The problem may be worse with sneezing and coughing. Read the article to know home remedies for sciatica.

Although the common approaches to get rid of sciatic pain are getting chiropractic care which is also called spinal manipulation, getting acupuncture and even taking surgery, they have harmful side effects, dangerous influences and cost a lot of money. Some people find the solution to reduce their pain by taking strong painkiller tablets. The drug will not fix the problem completely and sciatica can come back in the future. However natural sciatica treatments are the simple methods to stop sciatic pain without drug therapy or surgery.

How To Stop Sciatica Naturally

1.Understand Sciatica

If you are not certain whether you have sciatica or back pain, see the dentist to get diagnosed. You should ask the dentist about the causes, signs and symptoms. General knowledge about sciatica leads to the better treatments.

2. Yoga For Sciatic Pain

When people with chronic back pain practice yoga daily for 16 weeks, their pain reduces by 64%, according to a 2005 study in the journal Pain. It is also proven that yoga practice is one of the effective home remedies for sciatica. Although they do not treat sciatica completely, spine-straightening yoga exercise helps improve the posture that aggravates the problem. You can try pain-relieving yoga poses to get better results.

3. Eliminate Tension In Muscle With Massage

The sciatica occurs when the piriformis muscle which is located beneath the glutes gets tight. Massaging helps reduce the tension in muscle, alleviate low-back pain and enhance immunity. Massage is considered as one of the home remedies for sciatica that you can not ignore.

4. Exercise Or Spinal Decompression Exercise

Many people suffering sciatic pain only want to lie in the bed. Being inactive makes the pain last longer. Taking 15 to 20 minutes walking increase the blood flow to the nerve. If it feels hurt, you can do other exercises like swimming or water aerobics. Exercises in water do not need much pressure. Moreover, a compressed spine can be treated effectively at home with equipments like inversion table which is called spinal decompression exercise. It helps strengthen core muscles and stabilize the spine.

5. Ice Packs And Hot Packs

One of the home remedies for sciatica that works well is using temperature on affected areas. All what you need is applying a package of frozen peas wrapped in the towel for 20 minutes. The hot packs are also useful to treat sciatica. It boosts blood circulation and reduces inner inflammation. I also recommend taking a hot bath as the solution I have tried. Salts or anti-inflammatory herbs may be added to the water to improve the effect.

6. Try Herbal Remedies And Foods

In Vkool, you can find many recipes and nutrition available that are the amazingly powerful herbs and foods to relieve pain and inflammation. Some are turmeric root, ginger root, proteolytic enzymes, promelain, papain, boswelia and cayenne pepper.

7. Take 8-Hour Sleep For Better Relaxation

A lack of sufficient sleep affects not only the immune system but also the mood. It is bad for your health and makes the sciatica get worse.  An 8-hour sleep will give your body the time to fix the problem and relax after a hard working day. Your nerve needs sleep to rebuild and strengthen. In order to take an adequate sleep, you can try the foods to improve the quality of sleep.

8. Food Not To Eat When You Have Sciatica

Home remedies for sciatica which are introduced in this article will not be effective if you eat unhealthy food. Sugar is the trigger for bad immune system. A spoon of sugar can slow down the body’s function 80 % for hours. Therefore, sugar needs to be reduced as much as you can. Wheat and grains can dramatically worsen the pain while junk food, including fast food, candy, vending-machine products will affect your muscle, trigger sleep deprivation.

9.Sciatica Prevention

No solutions are proven to get rid of the sciatica completely. They can not fix the underlying problem and the sciatic pain can come back. Because of genetic and lifestyle factors, sciatica is very difficult to control. However, small changes to improve your lifestyle can prevent sciatica from occurring or coming back again after the sciatic pain is treated. Three ways to prevent sciatica is exercising regularly, healthy eating and taking enough breaks.

With home remedies for sciatica, the symptoms will naturally go away within a few weeks. If the problem is severe and gets worse over time, it is necessary to see the doctor.

I hope that you are satisfied with nine home remedies for sciatica I mentioned in this article. Finally, I am glad to hear any comments and feedbacks from you, please feel free to ask me and I will respond as soon as I can. 


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